Perpetual Vows - Brazil — English

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Perpetual Vows - Brazil

"You seduced me, Lord, and I allowed myself to be seduced" (Jer 20:7).

"You seduced me, Lord, and I allowed myself to be seduced" (Jer 20:7).

With immense gratitude and a heart overflowing with joy, I express my sincere gratitude to God for the gift of life and my vocation. I can't help but thank my parents who brought me into the world. How can I not remember my dear mother Maria de Lourdes Lima, in memory. She was the most important point in my trajectory of my vocation history.

To all my family who contributed so much to me getting here. Gratitude also to my religious family chosen by God, the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady. My eternal affection to the entire Congregation, especially the Brazil Region, which welcomed me. And I cannot fail to thank the General Minister and the Council.

I express here my joy and willingness to serve with love, as far as possible. May the Good God illuminate my steps and the entire Congregation.

Sister Maria José de Lima