Perpetual religious profession - North America region — English

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Perpetual religious profession - North America region

Story of Sister Theresa Trang Do, FMOL

“Your eyes saw me unformed; in your book, all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be.”

Reflecting on my journey of religious vocation, I discern God’s providence intricately woven through every chapter — from my upbringing in Vietnam, through academic pursuits in the U.S., to my final commitment as a Franciscan Missionary of Our Lady. Psalm 139:16 deeply resonates with me, affirming that God’s plan for my life was established long before my birth:

In response to God’s plan, I have always strived to be ready to say yes to His will in every circumstance. My religious life is like a carefully nurtured seed through different stages in the soil of faith, my vocation has grown and flourished according to His divine design. Each phase of my life, every encounter and decision, has been orchestrated by the Master Gardener.

Looking back, I recognize God’s providence through the loving care of my family, the Church and those who have walked alongside me. Raised in a devout Catholic family in Vietnam, amidst eight siblings, faith was not merely a part of life but it's very core. Early on, I felt a calling to religious life, nurtured by the guidance of my parents and the Church. At the age of 8 in 1992, I first sensed this call, setting my heart on becoming a Religious Sister, yet unaware of the specific path ahead.

Initially drawn to the Daughters of Our Lady of Holy Rosary, I immersed myself in their community from 1993 onward, dedicated to a life of love and service. However, from early on, God gently sowed Franciscan spirituality into my life, and then step by step, He changed my plans. During my first formative week with the Daughters of Our Lady of Holy Rosary, I was shown a film about St. Francis of Assisi that ignited a deep admiration in me for his spirituality. I now see this as God’s gradual redirection of my path, planting the seed that would later on blossom in unexpected ways.

In 2012, after graduating from Commerce and Business at South Economics College, in Theology at the Inter Congregational Institute's, and the Social Media Ministry Program, as  well as the program of Editing and Production for Events in the South of Vietnam, a scholarship brought me to the U.S., where I pursued studies in philosophy and theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary and later a Master’s in Theology at Villanova University.

In 2015, by chance, (but in God's plan), Providence intervened again leading me to encounter a Sister of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (FMOL). Over several transformative visits to their community in North America, I heard God’s call to embrace the Franciscan Charism, solidifying my desire to transfer. Through deep discernment and prayer, guided and prompted by the Holy Spirit, in line with Canon Law, and supported by my superiors, I made the pivotal decision to join the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady. On February 9, 2021, I embraced this new chapter, relocating to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to completely entrust my life and future in God's hands and to fully immerse myself in the FMOL community. This marked the beginning of a probation period (three years), a time of testing and confirmation leading to my Perpetual Religious Profession on June 1st, 2024. 

My Final Vows Mass took place in Baton Rouge at the Saint Francis Chapel of Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, North American Region with Bishop Michael Duca presiding. Our Sisters, along with four members of my family, were in attendance to witness this significant moment in my life. My Perpetual Vows Mass were celebrated simply in Franciscan spirit, but very warm.

The Most Rev. Michael G. Duca, bishop of Baton Rouge, shared in his homily at my Final Vows Mass, “Our vocation is beyond our understanding.” My religious vocation was also guided by God step by step in ways I never expected. With gratitude to God and all who have supported my journey, I have completed the initial phase of my Franciscan journey as I made my Final Vows. Now, I start moving towards my destination as I continue forward with the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, I am certain that my roots are firmly planted in His Kingdom, where I will grow and serve according to His will throughout my life.