Our Lady of the Angels Region-Mozambique — English

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Our Lady of the Angels Region-Mozambique

We want to express our gratitude to God for the gift of life and vocation, for the protection during our vocational journey; We thank our parents who, through God's help, brought us into the world, educated us in the faith and were instruments of the Divine presence in our lives, for their support and encouragement. May Jesus our Master and Savior reward you!

“Behold, the servant of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your will” (Luke 1:38)







We give thanks to God for our beloved Congregation: Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady who welcomed us to be part of this simple and humble family; that helps us grow in the experience of Charisma, Spirituality and the Mission that God has given us. When we reach this stage, it does not mean that our journey ends here, as our Seraphic father Saint Francis of Assisi says: “brothers, we haven't done anything yet, let's start”, therefore we count a lot on your prayers and your support, we will also do the same. Thank you, Merci, khanimambo, Noshukuru maitabassa takuta.

Meditation of novices on the occasion of their temporary profession

« You seduced me Lord and I allowed myself to be seduced » (Jer 20:7) Throughout my formation, based on prayer, the Eucharist, the word of God, fraternal life, I discovered and felt the great seduction of the Most High, to whom it is impossible to resist; dominated and overcome by Him: my treasure and my destiny, I wish to consecrate my life to the God of the Covenant. With a joyful, grateful and determined heart, I give myself to God to follow in the footsteps of His Son Jesus Christ, in the manner of Saint Francis of Assisi, in this humble Family of Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady. Eulália Vasco Botão. 

« I can do all things through Him who strengthens me » (Phil 4:13) The Lord captivated me to follow Him in the way of Saint Francis of Assisi in the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady, living in union and communion. Throughout my training I discovered that consecrating oneself to God means living in joy, in love, in giving. I want to give everything to God with great joy and confidence, following the example of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Jesus is my comfort, my strength, my joy, with Him in my heart “I will fear no evil because His staff sustains me”. Mercia da Delfina Luís Paulo.

« I always have the Lord before my eyes, so my heart rejoices with joy » (Ps 16). Throughout my training I discovered the true path: following Jesus Christ in the way of Saint Francis of Assisi, living the gospel as a rule of life, in joy, simplicity and humility. I praise you Lord for choosing me; in You is the meaning of my life. Therefore, without fear I give myself to God in this Religious Family, simple and humble, being the architect of Union and Communion. Muchambazua Rendeção Macuire

«To whom will we go, Lord? Only You have the Words of eternal life » (John 6:68). During my training and experience with Jesus Christ my Master, seeking God's will, I discovered that only Jesus Christ has "Words of eternal life". In joy and trust I want to say “yes” to God: to follow Jesus Christ, in the way of Saint Francis of Assisi; observe the Holy Gospel, being a witness and creator of Unity and Communion. I feel happy and motivated to have found the Beauty of Christ through the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady. Ercia Niquita Joaquim Laita.

« Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you.» (John 21:17). Today, with allergy I surrender to the God of the covenant, living the evangelical Councils of obedience, poverty and chastity. Like St. Francis, I want to live the gospel in simplicity, in humility, living the Charisma of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady: Union and Communion. I remember the past with gratitude, I want to live the present with passion and open myself to the future with confidence. Give me, Lord, the grace to keep the flame of your love always burning in my life. Célia João Martinho.

« The Lord is my light and salvation, whom should I fear? » (Ps. 26). Today I contemplate the beauty of my consecration to God. He who captivated me to follow Him in the way of Saint Francis of Assisi, in this Family of Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady, living Union and Communion in fraternity; serving those most in need freely with joy, simplicity and humility of heart. Determined and without fear, I give my “yes” to God in serving our poorest brothers. Give me Lord the grace to be a witness of your love. Alice Joaquim Sande.

Maputo, June, 2024