Extended Council 2009 — English

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Extended Council 2009

In this, the 8th centenary year of the Franciscan vocation, meeting in Extended Council and drawing inspiration from the ideal of the Gospel, the Church, Francis and Clare of Assisi and of our Founders, together, we - the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady - have sought how to share the same life and resources that Providence gives at our disposal in order to be "Prophecy of Solidarity".


extended council

The source of our inspiration is the incarnation of Jesus who "was rich but made himself poor". We wish to find momentum for our solidarity in this mystery, which so impassioned Saint Francis of Assisi.

We are committed to:

  • Broadening our attempts, to reach out of ourselves to open up the needs of the mission in the Church and the modern world;
  • Making a coherent lifestyle effective in moving around, transparency and joint responsibility;
  • Creating a new culture: one of solidarity, of the communion of people, of sharing needs and gifts;
  • Setting up "the imagination of charity" by sharing the resources of this world, because they belong to everybody;
  • Updating the spirit of our origins constantly seeking to be close to everyone, especially the poorest among us;
  • Combining life of the Congregation within "ourselves", by seeking convergence in what unites us;
  • Loving differences, even if we fear them, to enter into a spirit of internationalism and multiculturalism with an evangelical spirit;


We are committed to giving our five loaves of bread and five fish to the Lord, by welcoming His Word "Give them food to eat yourselves".