From April 2 to 14, 2025, we at FMND will be holding an Enlarged Council in Paris.
Message from the President and Chief Executive Officer FMOL - USA
Franciscan Missionaries of Notre-Dame - United States
Perpetual Vows of Sister Conceição Thcicomba - Region of Portugal
Consecrated forever in the love of God!
Meeting of Local Ministers - Portugal Region
On 23, 24 and 25 August, the annual meeting of local ministers was held at Quinta da Azenha in Gondomar to open the pastoral year.
Perpetual Profession - Ethiopia August 22, 2024
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (FMOL), Ethiopia is delighted and grateful to God to made the final Profession of Vows of Sr. Andualem Adem, Yemeserach Bekele, Medehanit Nure.
Perpetual vows - Madagascar region August 15, 2024
Testimonies: Four sisters make their perpetual profession: “I decided to leave everything for the love of Christ”
Feast of Saint Mary of the Angels - August 2, 2024
On August 2, the Franciscan family celebrates the liturgical Feast of Saint Mary of the Angels of the Portiuncula, and all the faithful can obtain a special plenary indulgence, called the indulgence of the Portiuncula.
Elderly assistance mission in São Tomé and Príncipe
In São Tomé and Príncipe, elderly people are targets of violence, based on the conviction that elderly people are witches. The lack of a family structure that can ensure the elderly's subsistence and a dignified retirement causes many situations of elderly abandonment. It is in this reality that we, the Franciscan sisters, seek to respond to some concrete situations for the approximately 70 elderly people in our district.
Our Lady of the Angels Region-Mozambique
We want to express our gratitude to God for the gift of life and vocation, for the protection during our vocational journey; We thank our parents who, through God's help, brought us into the world, educated us in the faith and were instruments of the Divine presence in our lives, for their support and encouragement. May Jesus our Master and Savior reward you!
An Irish Sister honored in France for her bravery During Second World War
The year 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the landings and the Liberation of France. On May 24, a ceremony entitled “Béthune pays tribute to the female fighters in the shadows” celebrated the courage of four members of the French Resistance during the Second World War, including a woman from Cork ? Sister Marie Laurence Franciscan Missionary of Our Lady.
Easter of Mother Louise 2024
In memory of the Easter of our Mother Louise, it is good to meditate on an extract from her circular on “Everything passes” from January 1959.
Regional Assembly of France - 2024
Still in the spirit of Easter, the sisters of the Region of France gathered in an extraordinary Regional Assembly, in an atmosphere of prayer, listening, dialogue, communion, formation and openness to the will of God.