Assembly Region of Ethiopia - 2022
An Assembly is an opportunity to meet each other, to express our affection... this is the story of the first chapters in the time of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Our assembly has been well desired and awaited... With the desire to meet, the desire to participate, the desire and hope of a new time.
There have been many sad situations that we have gone through: the epidemic of Covid, and here the war in your nation... What suffering and pain for this people, so many families in mourning, deaths, murders, migration, loss of their homes, their lands, hunger that has its victims... and so many other things... We can not forget all these situations We are part of this people and if our heart is missionary, we who have professed to live as Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, we carry in our hearts the pain and the passion of Jesus always current... the wounds of our world...
We continue our synodal journey of listening, dialogue, prayer, and sharing of life.
You already know the sisters who make up the new Regional Council of Ethiopia: 
Sister Abebech Kiftaga - Regional Minister
Sister Haymanot Amanuel - Regional Assistant
Sister Brehane Buruno – Councilor
Sister Amsale Teklemariam – Councilor
Sister Alemnesch Tesfamariam – Councilor
We assure them of our friendship and our prayers in the exercise of their mission.