Elderly assistance mission in São Tomé and Príncipe — English

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Elderly assistance mission in São Tomé and Príncipe

In São Tomé and Príncipe, elderly people are targets of violence, based on the conviction that elderly people are witches. The lack of a family structure that can ensure the elderly's subsistence and a dignified retirement causes many situations of elderly abandonment. It is in this reality that we, the Franciscan sisters, seek to respond to some concrete situations for the approximately 70 elderly people in our district.

“In my old age, do not abandon me”     (cf. Ps 71:9)




The Mission of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady in São Tomé and Príncipe is quite diverse. We work on several social projects, including the lark home, which welcomes young girls and teenagers from distant farms to facilitate their school attendance and an ATL. We also work with the elderly, as in São Tomé and Príncipe elderly people are targets of violence, based on the conviction that elderly people are witches. The lack of a family structure that can ensure the elderly's subsistence and a dignified retirement causes many situations of elderly abandonment.

In this sense, the district in which we find ourselves presents very particular situations, meaning that some elderly people are left to their own devices, living in a situation of abandonment and great precariousness. The social context itself contributes greatly to these situations getting worse every day. For these reasons, we, the Franciscan sisters, seek to provide answers in some concrete situations for the approximately 70 elderly people in our district. We visit these elderly people weekly and distribute baskets with essential goods. With each visit we try to understand the real needs of each person and listen to their life stories. We also provide some moments of celebration and medical and medication assistance.

It has often been a difficult task, because the sisters also depend on the help of benefactors and volunteers who support us in this socio-charitable mission. Lately, due to the social situation, we often find ourselves with our hands tied without being able to assist, but thanks to divine benevolence and that of our benefactors, we are trying to carry out our work.

We share some photos of our Mission with the elderly in São Tomé and Príncipe so they can get to know us better.