Feast of the congregation - May 30, 2024 — English

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Feast of the congregation - May 30, 2024

Meeting of Mother Louise, creator of the union

Our hearts are intimately united.    Mother Louise Mabille, January 16, 1857









Each time we return to the “sources” of our Congregation, we marvel and say: “Great are your works, Lord!” (Ps 91,6)

How good and pleasant it is to look at and contemplate our history, to re-read and meditate on our circulars, our books of life and sing a hymn of praise and thanksgiving to our God!

Today, as yesterday, we are touched by the living testimonies of those who, day by day, in all circumstances of their existence, allow themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit and are inspired in the unity of the Holy Trinity in order to live the dream of Franciscan fraternity, from a synodal perspective.

The words of Mother Louise inspire us: “Long live our God and our All in our will and in all our actions. Have in your hearts only the desire for his holy love, and in your works only obedience and submission to his good pleasure, with complete fidelity and not only for external things, but much more for internal things; look no further than this sweet cordiality towards each other. “(Mother Louise, January 6, 1856)

Imbued with a festive atmosphere, in an atmosphere of celebration, we embrace you with sisterly affection.