Message from Noël — English

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Message from Noël

Merry Christmas and a New Year full of blessings.

“…and the angel went away…”  Lk. 1:38

… and, from that moment,
in her heart resounded the words of the Almighty…
“…rejoice… the Lord is with you… do not be afraid… nothing is impossible for God…”

… and, with Joseph, Mary began to walk the daily walk… 
in a reality often uncertain
that invited them to believe… to trust… to hope…

… and there was day and night…
it was faith in the One who always keeps his promises
and who, disconcerting predictions,
led them to that place where everyone could reach…
the poorest… the simple… those who seek a meaning to life…

… and from the fragility of a Child, Love dwelt among us…

… and that star that shone in the darkness,
invites us today to go to Bethlehem…
because there and only there
will we find meaning and fulfillment…

Praise be to you, my Lord, for so many gifts!
Praise be to you, because you make yourself so small and so weak
that our fear dissolves…
tenderness appears… care becomes motherhood…
the embrace, fraternity… the details, beauty…
your Word, the way to find you…
the very human, God…

Let us go to the manger!... it is the Lord!... who invites us to joy… to hope…

Merry Christmas and a New Year full of blessings.