Perpetual vows - Madagascar region August 15, 2024 — English

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Perpetual vows - Madagascar region August 15, 2024

Testimonies: Four sisters make their perpetual profession: “I decided to leave everything for the love of Christ”

"Today, I pronounce my definitive commitment to be truly a messenger of peace and joy." 


Sister Anicette Rolline : "Lord, You Know Everything, You Know That I Love You." Jn 21:17 

This word pushed me to move forward to respond to God's call of love, forever! It is the Franciscan joy that has animated my journey. I find this joy in my religious life within the Institute. I am happy to live my vows in the mission that the Institute entrusts to me ! Thank you, my sisters, for all your prayers and support ! Peace and Joy !

Sister Chantal : "For I have lost everything for the love of Christ." Phil 3 :8b 

I feel happy to live my vocation in religious life ! I am convinced that Christ is always present in my journey. To follow in the footsteps of Christ and to further deepen my consecrated life, the words of Saint Paul inspire and encourage me : "For I have decided to leave everything for the love of Christ". A big thank you my sisters for everything! I count on your prayer and I pray for you all. Thank you very much !

Sister Victoire : "Here I am because you call me." 1Sm 3, 5 

During the stages of formation, I found peace and joy ! This joy pushes me to continue. Today, I pronounce my definitive commitment to be truly a messenger of peace and joy. With the words of Samuel that I have chosen as a motto in my life to come, I pronounce my Yes forever for the good of the Institute and the Church.

Sister Romance : "I want to praise the Lord as long as I live." Ps 146, 2 

I am very happy today! I do not regret being a religious in our Institute ! As a committed woman, I live my vow of alliance with the Lord with joy. Now I am going out into the deep with my definitive commitment to the Congregation ! Thanks to your fraternal help and your support in prayer, my sisters, I am what I am ! And for this, I want to praise the Lord as long as I live !