Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January — English

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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January

18-25, 2022

We saw His star in the East and we came to pay homage to Him
(Mt 2.2)






From January 18 to 25, "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" since 1908, brings together Christians of all denominations. This year, the chosen theme is “Remain in my love and you will bear fruit in abundance”. It expresses the call to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the Church and the human family of this religious community. It also indicates the mission of every Christian.

You can reach us with the following prayer: 

Lord Jesus,
who on the eve of dying for us,
prayed that all your disciples would be perfectly one,
as you in your Father, and your Father in you,
make us painfully feel the infidelity of our disunity.

Give us the loyalty to recognize and the courage
to reject our indifference,
distrust, and even mutual hostility.

Grant that we all meet in you,
so that, from our souls and our lips,
your prayer for Christian unity rises incessantly,
as you want it, by the means you want.

In you, who are perfect charity,
help us find the way that leads to unity,
in obedience to your love and your truth.